4-H Youth Development

Head - Heart - Hands - Health

Hamilton County 4-H is a community of young people across our area who are learning life skills, leadership, and citizenship that will lead to creating more positive productive citizens. Young people ages 9-19 participate in 4-H through school meetings, 4-H community clubs, after-school programs, camps, and special educational events.

Click here for the online enrollment form for 4-H

Membership in 4-H is absolutely FREE and it costs nothing to join 4-H

With family interaction in mind, 4-H includes the parent-child relationship and the extended family within any given community.  4-H is a fun, informal, researched based, non-profit organization that looks to broaden the horizons of Tennessee’s young people.

If you have questions about 4-H or would like to be added to the Hamilton County 4-H email newsletter list, please email us at HamiltonCounty4H@tennessee.edu.

Contact Information

Nancy Rucker
Extension Agent and County Director
Phone: (423) 209-8560
Email: nrucker@tennessee.edu

Maria Sabin
Extension Agent
Phone: (423) 209-8560
Email: msabin@tennessee.edu

Children play in the pool at 4-H camp

4-H Camps

4-H camps get youth outdoors, having fun with friends and learning the value of teamwork.

Click on this patriotic image to learn about Hamilton County 4-H programs teaching Leadership and Citizenship

Leadership and Citizenship

Encouraging youth to become involved, make ethical decisions, and find ways to make positive contributions to society. Learn about the 4-H Citizenship Club, the 4-H Honor Club and the All-Stars.

Trophies for 4-H competitions

4-H Contests

Get involved in 4-H! Experiential learning is our specialty – find out how to be a part of Hamilton County 4-H contests through in-school clubs or community clubs.

Click on this collage of pictures of a horse, a baby chick, a rabbit, and a kitten to learn about 4-H clubs focusing on animals, including the horse club, the vet science club, and also to learn about 4-H activities involving animals, such as Chick Chain.

4-H Animal Projects

Learn about selection, care, and production of animals. Come to a meeting of the 4-H Horse Club or get involved in 4-H Chick Chain, the Virtual Vet Science Club, and the Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP) contest.

Click on this image of youth working in a shop class to learn about Hamilton County 4-H programs related to vocational goals, including the robotics club.

4-H Vocational Programs

Exploring life skills developed through participation prepare youth for successful professional careers. Learn about the Hamilton County 4-H Robotics Club.

4-H Outdoor Clubs

Getting youth outdoors for hands-on activities. Learn about the Hamilton County 4-H Archery Club and the 4-H Gardening Club.

4-H Membership and Other Forms

Scan the QR code below with your smart phone to go to the online Hamilton County 4-H enrollment site.

Click on this image of a QR code to go to the online 4-H enrollment form
