Move Around the Region

Contact Information

June Puett
Extension Agent
Phone: 423-209-8560

Join us for a fun, free 6-week fitness challenge for people of all fitness levels!

Why Participate?

  • Win great prizes! 1st, 2nd, 3rd place prize for the most “miles” reported.
  • Choose your physical activities – walk, bike, swim, hike, tai chi, yard work, etc.
  • Report weekly activity for 6 weeks to be eligible for prize drawings – everyone can win!
  • Set your own goal and pace. Our goal is to get you moving!
  • Receive fitness tips, recipes, health information, video links, invitations to classes and more!
  • Get motivated and active going into the holiday & winter season.


  • Everyone age 8 & up eligible regardless of fitness level or location.
  • Invite friends, family, co-workers, etc.
  • Register them & log their weekly miles if they don’t use a computer.
  • Use our tracker form or other method to track your individual “miles” & log them weekly for 6 weeks.
  • Click on link in weekly email reminder to easily record miles on-line.
  • All fitness activities count!  
  • Use the Mileage Conversion Chart to convert biking, yard work, dancing, stretching, yoga, etc. to miles.
  • Count all daily steps & activities – 2,000 steps equals 1 mile. 
  • Winners will be notified about picking up prizes. 

Helpful Mileage Tracker will be provided to keep up with your miles each week.