This online course provides a strong foundation of turfgrass knowledge for novice turfgrass professionals or those who want to start a career in the field. Skilled labor is in high demand in this industry, and the course aims to fill that need and reduce employee turnover. Participants may enroll in this program anytime throughout the year. This course will also be fully available in Spanish soon! The course fee is $250.
Participants will complete each unit at their own pace. Upon completing the course, participants will be awarded a certificate of completion from the University of Tennessee Extension Certified Lawn Care Professional Program. They will print this certificate themselves from the course site. This certificate is valid for 2 years and can be renewed thereafter. Additional education will be provided for certification renewal. This additional education will build upon the topics covered in the initial course and provide further accreditation for participants.
Course topics include:
- Introduction to UT Extension
- Turfgrass Identification
- Turfgrass Selection
- Soil Fertility
- Water Management
- Planting and Establishment of Turfgrass
- Weeds of Turfgrass
- Diseases of Turfgrass
- Insect Pests of Turfgrass
- Integrated Pest Management
- Maintenance and Operation of Turfgrass Equipment