Interested in animals? Learn about animal care, selection and more in Hamilton County 4-H.
4-H Chick Chain – Download registration form – due to the Extension Office by February 18, 2025
Youth in grades 4th through 12th who are enrolled in 4-H in Hamilton County can participate in 4-H Chick Chain (enroll in 4-H online). The 4-H Chick Chain program is offered each year, with registration in January and February. Online payment for Chick Chain registration is available at
Youth and parents/guardians are required to participate in a free orientation program in March. 4-H Chick Chain members purchase 12 baby chicks through 4-H and pick them up in the spring. In the Fall, youth can participate in poultry judging and will bring 3 of their best hens to the Hamilton County Fair in November to participate in a poultry show and a Chick Chain Auction. For more information, contact the Extension Office (423-209-8560)

The Mane Attraction 4-H Horse Club

Be a part of the 4-H horse project in Hamilton County. 4-H Horse Club members may also participate in the Hippology/Horse Bowl, which is a fun team-oriented contest that tests your knowledge of horses. For youth in grades 4th-12th. Ownership of a horse is not required, only a love of horses! Parents are welcome to accompany youth to meetings, which are held on the 1st Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Saddle Pals Riding Club in Soddy Daisy. The focus of 4-H Horse Club meetings is learning about horses, not horseback riding. For more information, contact the Extension Office (423-209-8560).
Veterinary Science:
Hamilton County 4-H Veterinary Science Club

Hamilton County students in grades 4th-12th can participate in the Hamilton County 4-H Veterinary Science Club. This club meets on the second Thursday of each month (with adjustments for holidays) during the school year at 6:00 p.m. on the 3rd floor of the Extension Office (6183 Adamson Circle in Chattanooga). Potential new members are welcome at every meeting. For more information, call the Extension Office at 423-209-8560.
Wildlife Judging/Evaluation (4th-12th grade) – April and May

4th-12th grade students learn about wild animals and their habitats through the 4-H Wildlife Program. Students use the Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP) manual to prepare for the 4-H Wildlife Judging Contest in April/May. For more information on how to participate in the 4-H Wildlife Judging Contest, subscribe to the monthly 4-H email newsletter or call the Extension Office (423) 209-8560.