4-H Day Camp

4-H Day Camp is held at the Extension Office in Chattanooga in the summer. The date for 2025 4-H Day Camp has not yet been set. Youth in grades 4th through 6th can participate. The focus of this day camp is trying out activities from multiple 4-H project areas, to help youth in 4-H determine their project area for the next year. Activities will include archery, gardening, creative arts, wildlife, robotics, food science, nutrition/health/fitness, clothing and textiles, and more.

Day camp hours are 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Day campers should bring their own lunches; a snack will be provided. A completed 600A Activity and Event Acceptance Form, as well as the camp fee, must be received in the Extension Office in order to register for day camp. Campers must be enrolled in 4-H in Hamilton County. Payment may be made by check payable to University of Tennessee, cash, or credit card in the Extension office. Space is limited, and registrations will not be accepted once the day camp is full.

A group of children posing for a photo

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